Shenzhen EXC-LED Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen EXC-LED Technology Co., Ltd.

Micangshan Tunnel, Bazhong-Shaanxi Expressway

Time of completion: November 2018

Product: EXC-P33S pixel light (130,000 pcs)

Micangshan Tunnel, with a total length of 13.8km (3km in Shaanxi and 10.8km in Sichuan), is the second-longest highway tunnel in China and the longest highway tunnel in southwest China. It is also the highway tunnel with the longest blinding heading, the deepest ventilation shaft in the middle, and the largest ventilation connection scale in China. After nearly nine years of hard work, the Bazhong-Shaanxi Expressway was officially open to traffic at 10:00 a.m. on November 22, 2018.

"The sunshine is just nice and the maple leaves are just red"; at the entrance of the Sichuan section of Micangshan Tunnel on Bazhong-Shaanxi Expressway (the end of Bazhong), the red maple leaves in front of the tunnel enhance the beauty of the entrance of the tunnel. What is even more striking is the beautiful LED Qinchuan nightscape belt in Micangshan Tunnel for which the pixel lights are exclusively provided by EXC-LED!

Micangshan Tunnel, Bazhong-Shaanxi Expressway